Process FMEA:
Preventive Risk Measures for Offshore Wind Farm Projects

DIMAS, J. (2015): Process FMEA: Preventive Risk Measures for Offshore Wind Farm Projects.- Proceedings of the German Wind Energy Conference DEWEK 2015 (Bremen, Germany, 19.-20. May 2015), 4 pages.

DIMAS, J. (2015):

Process FMEA: Preventive Risk Measures for Offshore Wind Farm Projects.- Proceedings of the German Wind Energy Conference DEWEK 2015 (Bremen, Germany, 19.-20. May 2015), 4 pages.




This concept study describes the design of a Process Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (P-FMEA) in order to promote the preventive quality and risk management for offshore wind farm projects. The design follows the special demands of the client's project management.

To support the input, processing, analysis, documentation, and presentation of all data, a macro-based spreadsheet application was developed (FMEA-tool). The results are suitable for further processing by technical and commercial risk control.

Elements of the FMEA concept
The FMEA-tool corresponds to the elements of the P-FMEA concept (DIMAS 2015)


Introduction: Project Related Risk Management

Several project developers have already gained extensive experience with the installation of offshore wind farms and have been faced with a significant amount of major failures in various contract packages. One lesson learned by the project companies is to go for a higher vertical integration of risk tracing. Even if certain risks are contractually shifted onto contractors, liability limitations usually do not allow the full recovery of heavy losses. Moreover, a simple contractual transfer of risks sometimes makes it even harder to intervene, if necessary.

Even first-hand experience with recent failures does not necessarily mean having suitable prevention measures for future incidents in place. Moreover, the next project would most probably employ different contractors and feature new technologies. Even the company's project team might have changed.

Therefore, a systematic and sustainable approach to identify and deal with risks is essential for a company's learning curve and also increases the confidence of the stakeholders in an improved control of project risks.

Such a systematic approach is provided by the Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) method. The method was developed by NASA during the Apollo-Project [1]. Other sources trace its origins to the US Armed Forces [2]. Nowadays, several FMEA types are well established within the aviation, automotive, and other industries.

Experience demonstrates that initial project planning consists of hundreds of processes which subsequently diversify into thousands of sub-processes. As a consequence, a macro-based spreadsheet application has been developed (FMEA-tool) to guide the FMEA team through a structured process in order to deal with such a large quantity of data.

User interface for the Process Analysis
User interface for the Process Analysis (some fields are hidden to preserve a clear arrangement) (DIMAS 2015)


System  Analysis  with  the  FMEA-tool
System Analysis with the FMEA-tool (some fields are hidden to preserve a clear arrangement) (DIMAS 2015)


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Process FMEA: Preventive Risk Measures for Offshore Wind Farm Projects

German Language Version

Zusammenfassung zu dieser Arbeit in Deutsch

Einführung in die Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)



[1] PFEUFER, H.-J. (2002): Fehler-Möglichkeits- und Einfluss-Analyse (FMEA).- 81 S., Symposion Publishing GmbH (Düsseldorf).

[2] EILERS, J. (2008): APIS IQ-Software (Entwurf vom 28.11.2008).- 148 S.,, 26.04.15.